sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

Children want future not alms

This group of students was on the corner of Brigadeiro Franco street and Visconde de Guarapuava avenue in Curitiba, in the court between the Oswaldo Cruz Square and Shopping Curitiba.

In addition to the noise that a group of teenagers naturally do, it drew my attention to the whole picture the street sign of the FAS (Social Action Foundation) a department of Curitiba prefecture with the phrase "Children want future not alms". I thougnt the sign matcthes very well with the image of the students, because the best way to provide a future for children is to ensure access to good education to all of them.

The intent of this campaign is to highlight the problem of giving alms and invite people who want to help, to do so on behalf of entities who actually designed these resources to help those in need, and these resources are coordinated by FAS.

The following text was found at the website of Curitiba Prefecture: "It is the spirit of human solidarity that leads someone to offer a donation. However, it is important that you think about it: this gesture of love for others may be contributing to the problem to escalate. Who's on the street is closer to organizations involved with trafficking drugs or prostitution. A person who gives alms do not want any of this. But often, by ignoring the calls that are offered, you end up contributing to that charity turns into a real industry, attracting children, youth and adults to the streets, exposing these people to the risks of urban violence. If you really want to help contribute to the Municipal Social Welfare which aims its resources to care for children, adults, seniors and people with special needs in their own programs of Curitiba Prefecture or through numerous entities registered in the City Council. "

Here are the links of the FAS and the program "Children want future."

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