sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

Rua das Flores

A friend said that her city is best expressed by its streets - the stores, the bars, the restaurants, the people, and just walking around.

I believe that every resident of Curitiba has its own definition of the city. For me, Curitiba is defined by its climate (undefined and almost always cold), its squares and parks, for Sunday lunch at Santa Felicidade Italian district and the Rua das Flores (or Rua XV de Novembro, or simply the Calçadão).

The backbone of Curitiba is the Rua das Flores. The XV was the first street in Brazil in which a large portion (from Osório Square to Santos Andrade Square) was devoted exclusively to pedestrians. In it, people just pass by, enjoy the view, work and shop.

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